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Example Reports

Here you will find some examples of some of the assessments and reports we can complete. Please note that these are anonymised examples shared with permission of the families.  

George - 10 years old

Initial enquiry

George was referred due to parental concerns about her literacy skills, especially compared to her other areas of learning. She was increasingly opting out of tasks  involving reading and writing. Her parents had been told by school that they were not overly concerned as she was generally performing within the average range within her academic progress and therefore did not feel she required any referral to Educational Psychology or other SEN assessment.
Core Assessment summary
The results of the assessment indicated she had a very spikey cognitive profile with the majority of her abilities being average or above. A language disorder was ruled out, but specific areas of significant difficulty were revealed that indicated a strong likelihood of Dyslexia.  Here is her report

Child in comic bookstore
Image by Annie Spratt

Jessie - 9 years old

Initial enquiry

Jessie was referred to UP by his parents due to concerns around his increased anxiety about going to school, ongoing inconsistencies in his ability to apply his learning and some concerns about his attention in class.
Core Assessment summary
His neurodevelopmental profile indicated that he had a very "spikey cognitive profile" with considerable strengths but also considerable difficulties. The professionals highlighted that Jessie's strengths were masking his difficulties, which was why he had not been identified as having a specific learning difficulty before. The results also indicated that he had some specific sensory difficulties which were acting as barriers to his learning in the classroom.  Here is his report (Coming Soon). 

Levi - 10 years old

Initial enquiry

Levi was referred by his carer who was concerned about his transition to secondary school. Levi was on the SEN register at his primary school and accessed multiple small group interventions such as handwriting, nurture groups, reading. An Educational Psychologist had provided some recommendations to improve his learning, but had not fully assessed his abilities. His carers and school were growing increasingly concerned about his upcoming transition.
Core Assessment summary
The neurodevelopmental assessment highlighted that Levi had a specific impairment in his working memory and was considerably below his peers in relation to his executive functioning. The results also indicated a high probability of Attention Deficit Disorder. Here is his report. (Coming Soon)  

Student Raising Hand
Listening to Music_edited_edited.jpg

Julia - 14 years old

Initial enquiry
Julia and her parents asked to be seen by UP due to increasing concern about her difficulties keeping up with her school work. Teachers had noted that she was having difficulty initiating her work in class and often mis-interpreted task instructions. At home, her parents had also noted that she was having difficulty completing their requests which was causing increasing levels of arguments in the home.
Core Assessment summary
The results of the assessment indicated that all her cognitive abilities were within the average range but that she had a specific language disorder and impaired auditory processing. Here is her report. (Coming Soon).   

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