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Our view on Panorama's investigation into ADHD clinics

I recently watched the BBC Panorama investigation into private ADHD assessments in the UK ( As a NHS clinician as well as a private assessment provider I was appalled by the apparent service the private services portrayed. It was clear that NICE guidelines for ADHD diagnosis were not being followed, nor were the professional standards all healthcare practitioners should abide by being displayed.

ADHD falls under the umbrella of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and as such warrants a thorough assessment that not only considers ADHD symptomology, but developmental history, contextual factors, mental health and fundamentally the wider neurodevelopmental profile. The issue with asking only about a narrow set of behaviours or symptoms, and essentially “looking for evidence of a specified disorder” is that these wider factors are missed – and the Panorama program rightly highlighted this. The program also showcased that one short appointment, from one source of information is not sufficient to identify the pervasiveness of conditions such as ADHD, a key aspect of a neurodevelopmental assessment and possible diagnosis.

True neurodevelopmental assessment uses triangulation, where current and historical information is collated from multiple sources (i.e. carers, teachers, colleagues, partners), reviewed by multiple professionals, then compared to specific neurodevelopmental profiles and criteria in order to ascertain any diagnosis. At UP this is exactly what we strive to achieve; a robust, holistic, thorough and professional assessment process that primarily considers the unique neurodevelopmental profile of a child, before considering diagnostic criteria. Thus, much as the Panorama program angered and upset me, I found myself feeling reassured that UP was far from the private clinics the program showed. However, I also understand that as a parent or carer, there now may be more anxiety about engaging with private assessment services.

I hope this post will help to alleviate some of that anxiety, along with the knowledge that UP offers a fully transparent process, adheres to NICE guidelines, uses Gold Standard Assessment processes and use only very experienced professionals. Finally, if you have any concerns or want to understand how we work in more detail, please do feel free to contact us directly.


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